Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You won't believe this!

Yay! This is Bettina Levy speaking. This is my first ever post on J. N. Future Author's Picture Perfect. (Hi, Jacoby! ^,^ You can edit this out later. Just wanted to say hi.) I kept wondering what I would put up here as a first post and today I found the perfect candidate. It's a photo I just took today! See, my mom and brother came home from the farmers market and came back with a giant, prize-winning zucchini!
Here it is as compared to my own arm! That's a cubit.
It is SOOO big compared to Adam's sweet hamster, Hazel.
Look at that! It's like, 3 times as long as her and twice as thick. That is, in size, not in intelligence. Hazel is actually the brightest of all the hamsters we've kept over the years. She's so cute, isn't she?
Anyway, can you believe this is a zucchini? I thought it was a green squash when I first saw it! I wonder how we'll fit it inside the fridge!
(Well Jacoby, whaddaya think?)


J.N. Future Author said...

PARTY! A post from Bettina!!! ^.^ YAY!

wow, what are you going to do with the zucchini! personally, I love cutting zucchini into thin slices and frying them with butter and salt/pepper ^,^ its pretty good

J.N. Future Author said...

oh, and also, you can go ahead and publish posts ^.^ I'm afraid I might miss them!

Q said...


Magenta said...

Oh my god, Q! Where did you get that image? Check out that link, people!

J.N. Future Author said...

wow! thats one odd zucchini!

Brian said...

I can't. I've got to use my iPod to write this and can't copy paste.

Q said...

That baby is so adorable now. I love her.